Ice, Mist and Rainbow

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Selene Minh Nguyet

The white tone is magical! Love the composition!

Laura Robinson

Exquisite image, awesome shot.

Brenda Santalucia

I agree with all above. Lovely image

Ginette Vachon

Fabulous moment and well caught. It must have been magic around the falls.

Sandra Piche

Gorgeous shot!

The effect of Polar Vortex in Canada and US created a thick ice on the river. Two days later we started coming out of bitter cold and the temperature went up to -6C. We were treated with a beautiful sunny day. The mist from the falls was in the air and Mother Nature created a beautiful half a circle rainbow that was seen all the way to the towers
Taken By
Magda Bognar
Taken On
January 9, 2014
niagara falls niagara winter canada falls
  • Focal: 17
  • Shutter speed: 8 sec
  • Aperture: f/ 18
  • ISO: 100

Other Photos by Magda