Swimming Up Stream

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Laura Bentley

Excellent portrait of this water creature! Beavers are so neat!

Ramona Chiasson

very nice pic and tale..Mikey

There is a story behind every photograph. Desperate for the washroom I waled off trail to find a nice tree to go about my business. Then I saw it a black blob moving through the water, A North American Beaver!. Finishing my business I stuck to the shadows of the tree and was able to get a couple of frames off. Lets just say that the message behind this image is "Its a good thing he didn't swim up stream". :D
Taken By
Michael Rowlandson
Taken On
April 17, 2013
  • Focal: 400
  • Shutter speed: 0.004 sec
  • Aperture: f/ 5.6
  • ISO: 100

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