Sweet encounter of the bird kind

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Debra Plett

Absolutely super capture Yves. Mother Nature and you make a great team putting this wonderful moment together.

Yves Langlois

Thank you Debra. When some impossible appends in my life I use to put the fault on hazard. Since I don't any more believe in hazard. I invented that partnership with mother nature to replace the hazard. It is no harm to anybody and it make me feel much happyer in life. It doesn't need to be true, it just need for me to believe in it. I hope I will have another impossible to show you pretty soon.

Heather Mellon

Gorgeous lighting here! I love the feeling of serenity you've captured in the early morning light and the sparrow adds a special element to this beautiful image. A perfect moment captured!!

Yves Langlois

Thank you Heather. This shot is very spécial. I have the strange feeling that mother nature manipulate few things to bring me to that shot. This is the shot I was hoping to do. but no way I could bring together all the elements for that nice picture. It is always a good feeling when I realise that mother nature was with me for a particular shot.

Taken on my Gaspesian Peninsula tour. Little town of Sainte-Anne-des-Monts. 5 AM, the sun was still low on the St-Lawrence river. I chase that sparrow for a shot. Everytime he flew farther. He drove me from a place to another until I came face to face with that moment. Then he kindly let me take 3 shots without even klink an eye, . but sang joyfully his best tune to put an extra into the magical encounter.
Taken By
Yves Langlois
Taken On
July 6, 2020
sunrise sparrow
  • Focal: 36.6
  • Shutter speed: 0.001 sec
  • Aperture: f/ 9

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