Fly me to the moon

299 2


Chris Anderberg

Yeah - the clouds out on the Canadian prairies are pretty awesome to watch!

In the current age of society. Where technology reigns supreme, I notice we often forget to look up. For this reason, clouds are one of my favourite subjects to capture. These monumental objects cascading shadows upon the ground. They are the mountains of the sky. A cloud to me represents something that is grandiose, yet in a constant motion, ever-changing. A cloud is a representation of society. Ever changing, constantly in motion, affected by minor and subtle changes. Unlike society, these clouds have a freedom that we all adore and desire, yet can never attain. These are the reasons I love clouds as subjects.
Taken By
Brady Corps
Taken On
August 25, 2017
clouds winnipeg manitoba canada plane
  • Focal: 50
  • Lens Model: EF50mm f/1.8 STM
  • Shutter speed: 0.000625 sec
  • Aperture: f/ 5.6

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