Super moon over Sherbrooke

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Kate Jaimet

wow, que c'est beau! As-tu des tips pour comment effectuer une belle photo de la lune?

Yves Langlois

Merci kate. Je ne peux pas t'aider côté tips cependant. Cette photo-ci a été prise en automatique pré-règlé pour (scene de nuit avec lune). Comme pour une grande partie de mes photos Un léger travail à l'ordinateur avec un simple logiciel de recadrage et correction de la luminosité me permet de mettre la photo à mon goût. Par exemple j'ai enlever une bonne partie du bas de la photo pour avoir un meilleur équilibre entre le sol, le ciel et la lune.

Jane LeBlanc

I think moon shots are very difficult, so well done, Yves. You will find different times of year present different challenges with moons, as sometimes it is pitch dark before it rises. Good luck!!

Yves Langlois

Thank you Jane. I will have fun with moons at dusk for now. May be in the future I will try the pitch black one.

Heather Mellon

How exciting to get a shot like this Yves. The tones and detail are truly beautiful.

Yves Langlois

Thank you Heather. Not totaly sure but I think the nice orange colour is du to the fact that the moon is rising at the same time as the sun is seting (wich is not often the case) and the moment for the best shot last just a few minutes (after that the moon turns white as usual)..

Debra Plett

Very nice shot Yves. The moon over Sherbrooke is a beautiful composition.

Yves Langlois

Thank you Debra. Now that I am started on moon shots I certainly keep trying. I did it at the last minute, on the rush on the parking lot at home nad did not expect a success like that.

Yves Langlois

Thank you Debra. Now that I am started on moon shots I certainly keep trying. I did it at the last minute, on the rush on the parking lot at home nad did not expect a success like that.

Clifford Dupuis

This is a great shot Yves, well done. It is always nice to be learning new things in our travels.

Yves Langlois

Thank you Clifford. Chasing the moon (and sun set) will be added to my exciting moments as a photographer.

Experiencing that kind of shot for the first time. Did not have time to prepare the shot. Learned few things out of it. Discovered the use of a button on my camera that I never used so far. (taken oct 17 18:15)
Taken By
Yves Langlois
Taken On
October 19, 2024
super moon astronomy nature night outdoors full_moon sky atmosphere astronomical_object
  • Focal: 118
  • Shutter speed: 0.02 sec
  • Aperture: f/ 6.4

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