The show is on

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Heather Mellon

I love the action you captured in this great shot. It tells a good story and is beautiful both in detail and colour too. This photo also reminds me that I need to check out the local lake where the loons nest every year. Great shot, Yves.

Yves Langlois

Thanks Heather. Not easy to get a good photo of the loon. Wether he float very low in the water (not much is seen) or he stands quite far from the shore (no sharp details). But once in a while appends a lucky day.

Jane LeBlanc

I agree with Debra. Nice action shot, Yves.

Yves Langlois

Thank you Jane

Debra Plett

It is hard to tell but it almost looks like the female might have a baby loon under her wing Yves. It is always so wonderful to see how birds/animals protect and or show off to their mates. Nice that you camera/lens had the reach to catch this image. Nicely done.

Yves Langlois

Thanks Debra. I double check for the baby and it hard to tel. To me the pose is more likely that she is sleeping. Last year I try using the 2X with the 400mm. Stop it after 2 trial, I could not get someting good out of it. I started this summer safary determine to use it and get good result. Guess what - I finaly found the right setup for my way of photographying. I love the opportunity to capture birds much farther than the 400mm could do. Until last week The autofocus would not be able to focus on a raptor flying in the sky. I did a lot of thinking and trials about that problem. Solutionned the problem last week. Actualy I appreciate that 400mm+2X very much and will use it for the rest of the summer.

Debra Plett

I am sure it takes a lot of practice to master your camera and lens especially with the teleconverter. Great once you have the desired solution.

Here is one of the 3 interesting shots that big loon gave me. He was very far from the shore. I imagine the other loon is a female and he is making the show to impress. The lady doesn't look too much impressed but guess wat? the photographer was.
Taken By
Yves Langlois
Taken On
June 18, 2024
loon animal bird waterfowl cormorant flying water liquid fluid lake beak
  • Focal: 800
  • Lens Model: FE 100-400mm F4.5-5.6 GM OSS + 2X Teleconverter
  • Shutter speed: 0.0004 sec
  • Aperture: f/ 11

Other Photos by Yves