LeroyMckinney.1 LeroyMckinney.1

Member since April 16, 2023
From:hochiminh, CA

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Blue Rainbow Fish is a beautiful fish, especially loved with beautiful colors and a gentle personality. Currently, many people choose to raise this fish as an ornamental and want to learn more about its characteristics, farming methods, and selling price.

Blue Rainbow Fish: Characteristics, How to raise – What to eat, How much?

http://farm1.staticflickr.com/952/27428151537_da0fce623e_o.gif     https://band.us/band/89488561

Characteristics of Blue Rainbow Fish

Blue Rainbow has the scientific name of the fish Melanotaenia Praecox. Their appearance is very eye-catching with the main color being blue, in addition to combining other colors to create attractive colors. This fish is small in size, 6-8cm in length. They usually live and hide in densely wooded areas.

If you design an aquarium, the type of aquarium will help them adapt well. Their whole body is green, but the fins are red or pink, yellowish. The male fish is usually larger, more prominent, and darker in color than the female fish.

Many Blue Rainbow Fish also have purple and orange sparkles. They are small and agile, and swimming continuously in the tank feels very pleasing to the eye. They can be kept in herds.


How to raise Blue Rainbowfish - What to eat?

How to raise Blue Rainbowfish is interesting many people can buy and apply to help take good care of them. Below, I will update you on specifically how to raise fish to help fish be healthy and develop well.

About food

What do Blue Rainbow Fish eat? Being omnivorous, they can eat a variety of foods, including fresh wet food and dry food. You can feed them bran of all kinds such as Tetra, JBL, Inve, Tropical, etc. The small fresh foods fish such as worms, bloodworms, worms, cow hearts, etc. have nice colors.

http://farm1.staticflickr.com/897/42250580912_b21e8122b8_o.gif         Houston Aqua

About the living environment

If possible, fish should be raised in a large lake, and if kept in a tank, it is also necessary to design suitable aquatic plants and space with space for them to swim and play. Regarding the living environment, it should be ensured with pH ranging from 6.5-7.5, khH 8-12 dKH, and temperature 23-28°C.

Being inherently gentle and friendly, this fish can be kept with some other breeds under the same conditions. For example, Neon fish, Tram fish, White Cloud fish, Triangle fish, etc. The average lifespan of this fish is 2-3 years.


Selling price of blue Rainbowfish on the market

The price of Blue Rainbowfish on the market is cheap. Depending on the store, appearance, and color, the selling price will be more or less different. On average, each fish is sold for about 100,000 VND.

http://farm1.staticflickr.com/945/42297270161_0057fbf76f_o.gif       Houston Aqua Fish Store

Blue Rainbow's fertility problem

As adults, the male and female fish will mate and reproduce. Male fish are colorful to attract female fish to him. When it comes to the spawning period, it is necessary to ensure a clean water source, clean the tank regularly, and ensure adequate oxygen for the fish. The recommended temperature for the fish is around 75 degrees F.

Successfully fertilized Blue Rainbow Fish often have the habit of laying eggs on aquatic plants. Each time they lay an average of 200-300 eggs, a large number of eggs and a stable temperature will hatch gradually. The spawning period of fish can last up to a week.
The fry will hatch from the eggs about a week after birth. When the fry can swim, you should arrange to separate them from their parents, to ensure safety and create better conditions for raising.

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