Comet 252P and the Milky Way over Muskoka

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The other night I was driving around to find several locations and just before I packed it in for the night I went to a night farm field to capture a mosaic with my 35mm lens. I started had the idea of a stacked 9 panel mosaic from the treeline to Comet 252P. I took 3 images for each panel of the mosaic and then blended the mosaic with foreground after. I am really happy how much data there was to work with and I cant wait for more clear milky way nights. Thank you for viewing and feel free to share. Sony A7s | Rokinon 35mm t1.5 cine | f/2 | ISO 6400 | 13 seconds per image (3 images per panel) If you are interested in having a private lesson, guide or joining one of this year’s workshops feel free to email me for more information. ©2016 - Wesley Liikane - Cowboy with a Camera
Taken By
Wesley Liikane
Taken On
April 9, 2016
milky way comet muskoka ontario canada stars night space long exposure wesley liikane cowboy with a camera ontario canada
  • Shutter speed: 13 sec
  • ISO: 6400

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