A Soft portrait

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Clifford Dupuis

a real beauty. The soft focus, bokeh and the detail of the bird are all outstanding. The catch light on the eye is the touching crown to this excellent capture

Yves Langlois

Agree with you Clifford, a real beauty and a good mood. very proud of that one, that will go on my Wall of Fame.

Heather Mellon

Beautiful image Yves. It's so in tune with the beauty of nature and the demure pose you caught of the warbler is offset so well by the pastel background tones. Perfect composition too.

Yves Langlois

I appreciate your nice comment Heather. This is a Mother Nature's gift because I never intend to do that shot that way. I did some fast shots without realy foresee them. Have you noticed that the bird is doing an interesting move here. It is like he respect the nature's command to hide but he shows off just enough to defy the command.

Debra Plett

The soft pastel tones are very pleasing and compliment the shy pose Yves.

Yves Langlois

Thanks Debra. I love that shot (the pastel looking). And this is the real colors (no correction was done). This one was done with the 2X (800mm). And the colors are good because the ISO was 800 or under. I discovers yesterday that when I set the ISO to AUTO, The camera fix the speed to 1/500 sec and addapt the ISO according to the capture to do. Doing so it pushes the ISO to 2000, 4000 even 10000. I noticed that a capture at close range has the colors scraped (over lighted) when the ISO is over 800. But when the subject is far the problem doesn't append. My investigation is going well.

Debra Plett

Good information Yves and the pastel colour is very stunning.

Condition of shooting allows a soft portrait of the chestnut-sided warbler. I specialy like the shy pose the bird took.
Taken By
Yves Langlois
Taken On
June 12, 2023
chestnut sided warbler soft portrait animal bird finch bee_eater Flower Plant Twig Branch Insect
  • Focal: 800
  • Lens Model: FE 100-400mm F4.5-5.6 GM OSS + 2X Teleconverter
  • Shutter speed: 0.005 sec
  • Aperture: f/ 11

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